A Golden Spike for the Anthropocene
Die Zähmung der Zeit – Ein Goldener Nagel für das Anthropozän

Science Graphic Novel

„It’s funny, visually rich, scientifically substantive, deeply human.“
Marcia Bjornerud, Professor of Geosciences Lawrence University

scientific input: Reinhold Leinfelder (Freien Universität Berlin / The Anthropocene Working Group)
concept & storyboard: Alexandra Hamann (mintwissen)
illustration: Maki Shimizu
graphic design: Inês Gomes Ferreira
copy edition: Yoko Hamann

blog: tamingtime.de

download: https://tinyurl.com/refubium-ttdownload

free download: https://tinyurl.com/refubium-ttdownload

2023 © Hamann, Leinfelder, Shimizu
licence: CC-BY-NC-ND


„Congratulations! This has been a long, amazing and now fully realized adventure which certainly gives a new dimension to the Anthropocene and to time…  it will be great for all the AWG members to see, as a reminder of our own (not always as beautifully drawn) adventure…

Jan Zalasiewicz, Geology, University of Leicester, Chair of the Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) from 2009-2020


„Wunderbar! Now that is how to finish a Friday. Not enough science has such fun things as this attached to it, we are very lucky.“

Simon Turner, Geography, University College London, Secretary of AWG


“The artistry is terrific, the message is important, a real tour de force”

Jaia Syvitsky, Geology & Oceanography, University of Colorado, Boulder; member of AWG


„Thank you so much for this ebook! Just in time for my geochronology class which will start soon. I am planning a lecture on Anthropocene and thanks to this ebook I see that it can be a fun lecture. Just perfect timing and fun approach to time, geological time and our time as AWG.“

Irka Hajdas , Geochronologist, ETH Zurich; member of AWG 


„Magnificent graphic novel about the Anthropocene!  I am a big fan of comic books and very excited to see all of us of the AWG as comic book characters. Very well done!“ 

Alejandro Cearreta, Palaeontologist, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao; member of AWG


„This is wonderful. It is important to see how the process [of the Anthropocene] unfolded.“

Francine McCarthy, Micropaleontologist, Brock University, St. Catharines; member of AWG

Tagesspiegel Beilage der Freien Universität Berlin (Sonntag, 8. Oktober 2023)

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